Tuesday, April 6, 2010

greetings from nowhere

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Greetings kiddies,

I think my friend is starting a meth lab in her apartment. It's nice to see her finally getting engaged in some kind of creative and socially productive activity.

Society will be so happy.

In other news... I think there is a covert secret ops force of elderlys (new word I believe) who are following things here at faraway hello global headquarters. Ever since I started my hate-fueled tirades about them, I've noticed what can only be described as an active effort to engage, frustrate, and annoy me by any means necessary. Maybe they're smarter then they appear? Maybe I've been wrong about them all along. Perhaps the slovenly, unkempt, and otherwise clueless behavior and appearance is, in fact, a facade. I can't really go in to too much detail, what with the obvious aforementioned monitoring, but let's just say that they are coming out of the woodwork.

Lastly for today, I've been adding words to my list of favorites. Yes, you heard right, I have a growing list of favorite words.

A brand new addition being - petulance. What a fun word.

For those of you, my lovelies, who are curious, other entries include;

filial, omnipresent, fecal, atrophy, embolism, and discombobulation.

all for now!

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