The gym. "You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villany". Of course, if by scum, you mean random clueless old people trying to figure out how best to arrange their sagging bodies onto the big metal contraptions before them without breaking their feeble bones or tearing their paper-thin dermis's. And by villany you are referring to the muscle bound freaks in the back who spend dauntless hours and hours lifting the entire left half of the gym up and down, up and down. If this is what you mean, then you my friend are SPOT ON.
These steroid boys trip me out. I mean, I understand that it is a public gym and you pay a monthly premium to be able to come and lift, or run, or ogle the pretty people, or whatever it is that you feel your $89.00 a month affords you. But these guys. Jesus. Just once I'd love to see one of them; face all red and veiny, eye's bulging from their sockets, in the middle of one of his primative "UUUUUGGGGGHHHHHHH" screams that can be heard from Locust Point, I'd love to see his head just explode. Maybe when he's back there on the bench press and his equally gigantic buddy with the freakishly large upper body and the equally freakish teeny tiny little legs (how is this dude even standing up) is spotting him. I'd love for this guy to just start wailing and suddenly, "POP" there goes his little head, all over his buddies midsection. Tough break guy. At least the rest of us can work out in peace.
Also, I've decided, after having to spend my entire 10 minute set on the lateral pulldown machine listening to these two older British ladies blather on about one thing or another, that I cannot stand the British prenuncuation of the letter A. If I have to hear "can't" or "past" or "pass" or any other word that has the A sound i'm going to lose my shit. Here's an excerpt of the conversation as I remember it: "Seriously, I CAAAAAAAHHHHN'T imagine what she was thinking. I mean, things like this (I can't recall exactly word for word, as I was concentrating on my own workout, but there were a few more hard A sounding words coming up) have a tendency to PAAAAAAAAHHHHHSS." I just wanted to get up and hit her in the eyeball everytime she over extended her A words. As I was fininshing up, and in between ipod selections I heard, "her whole situation is so PAAAAAAHHHHHHSSE anyhow." C'mon. Passe? Who the fuck still even uses that word! Passe. Give me a break.
Lastly for now, and completely random and unrelated to anything, Michael Hutchence was a genius....
have a GROOOOOOVY day!
im surprized carrie hasn't commented on this blog... she hates british people and old people!!
OMG! I love old people and british people, and hello, 'passe', totally in my daily vocabulary! HAHAHAHAHA I'm definitely following this blog from now on.
Anytime Old British ladies are using the word "Passe" at the gym you should be able to beat them with your shoe. Anything else would be considered cruel since they are old and close to death as it is.
I don't even know what Passe means... but if an old person and/or Britlandish person uses it, I hate it.
ding dongs?
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