greetings cyber-world.
for absolutely no reason at all, I have decided, in my infinite (and it is infinite) wisdom, to start a blog. So, who am I? I'm not Julie Powell (although I did watch that film last night, so read into that as much or as little as you'd like), I'm no one famous, I'm not doing anything important, actually I'm not doing much of anything at all, I can't write, I don't aspire to greatness. In short, I'm just a person, unspectacular.
I'll be updating daily and doing my best to keep everyone in the loop on the constant excitement that is my life, and eventually something might just happen. Maybe.
Worst case scenario, I'll get a chance to vent in writing. Best case scenario, some people out there may become interested in my little world and may even follow along for the ride. I don't hold out much hope for that, and I'm not expecting much, but we shall see.
anyway, welcome to the faraway hello, whoever you are. stay tuned.
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